Video Resources

In video I discuss our client centered approach to therapy at Daybreak Counseling Center and how that makes us different from other approaches of psychotherapy. At Daybreak collaborate with you in therapy, based on what we have learned about you as a whole person, on what issues or questions you would like to work on. We don't have a one size fits all approach. We are open minded, non-judgemental, and tailor our approach to meet your unique needs whereas many other approaches out there are based on homework, instruction manuals, and tend to treat people as if were are all the same. 

This video is a lecture on some fundamental concepts of psychoanalytic theory. It is an excerpt from a longer class lecture I gave to my Fall 2016 Abnormal Psychology course at Long Beach City College. In this lecture I provide a brief overview of Freud's divided mind theory (id, ego, super-ego) which describes the different parts of the mind, how they work together,  against each other, and how they relate to our experience and everyday lives. I use Lacan's concept of the mirror phase to illustrate how the id, ego, and super-ego develop from the time of birth. I discuss how ego is built from language given to us by our parents, and how language thus becomes the structure of consciousness. I then discuss how the unconscious and the ego are related to language. I use music, poetry, and the arts as examples of methods that humans use try to capture and express that which is outside of language, what society has forbidden or repressed, or what may lie in unconscious of the artist, poet, writer, artist, etc.

In this video I discuss working on improving communication in relationships from an attachment, EFT, depth oriented perspective. It is common that couples seek therapy thinking that they need to learn 'communication skills.' Well it may be true that we all need to learn skills to have healthier and more productive conflicts, what I am focusing on here is that circular arguments or communication breakdowns are often the result of a lack of connection or security in the attachment of the relationship. When we don't feel safe, secure, heard, or our needs aren't being met, this can lead us to act out in ways to get those that often cause conflicts. Couples therapy can help you see what's behind the conflict and get to the root of what's causing it. Once the resentment, hurt feelings, or the lack of connection is addressed healthy communication naturally emerges as a result of feeling safe, secure, and loved  
In this video I discuss 3 reasons why cultivating mindfulness can be good for you.What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive, present, and at one with those around you and with what you are doing. - Thich Nhat Hanh

  In the video above I talk about the difference between ambivalence and a lack of motivation and how sometimes we can mislabel ambivalence as a lack of motivation. Doing so can lead to a cycle of negative self talk and a feeling of being stuck. What actually might be going on is that we may not have certainty about what we’re trying to do (thereby we are ambivalent about it) and we can mislabel that as a lack of motivation.

In this video I describe a phenomenon I have noticed in working with clients who have been working through the pain of a break up. I’ve also noticed it myself in past relationships as well. It is the tendency to sometimes glamorize the relationship or feel it wasn’t so bad because we are in such a state of pain that to escape that pain the idea of going back to the relationship can seem tempting. In this video I also talk about some ways of how to cope and work through it.

Click on the link below to view additional videos on my Youtube page:

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