Grief Counseling

"The Most beautiful people we know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss,  and have found their way out of those deaths"
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (Author of "on Death & Dying) 

Grief and Loss Counseling

Coping with Grief and Loss

A bereavement of any kind whether it’s sudden or the end of long illness is difficult to process. Contemplating life without a cherished friend or a loved family member is something we all have to do in our own way. There’s no telling what form our grief will take and when life will start feeling more like normal again, but sharing your feelings and experiences with a Daybreak therapist  can go a long way to starting the healing process.

 The Symptoms of Grief

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience a life event that’s causing you grief, it’s likely you’re experiencing one or more of the following:

 SHOCK: Even the expected passing of a loved one who’s been ill for sometime can be a shock that leaves you feeling numb. Not having someone around who’s been a big presence in your life can leave you struggling to believe it’s true, even denying the event occurred and expecting them to reappear in your life as if nothing had happened.

 SADNESS: Whether you’ve lost a person or pet from your life, you’re likely to shed tears over your loss and experience loneliness and an emptiness as you yearn for the times when your loved one was still around.

 GUILT: Perhaps there was unfinished business between yourself and the person you’ve lost. Things that you should have said to them that now you can’t. After a long illness you may even feel a sense of guilt for being relieved that their suffering is over.

ANGER: If your loss is the result of a crime or other event, you may be harboring strong feelings of anger toward those you see as being responsible.

FEAR: Thinking about how the future will look without the person you’ve lost being part of your life can lead to you feeling afraid of being alone, worried about how you’ll cope and experiencing anxiety, even panic attacks as a result.

 All these emotions and worries can manifest themselves in different ways. Thinking about your loss can lead you to feeling sick and losing sleep. Your grief can ruin your appetite causing you to skip meals and lose weight. And the stress associated with what you’re going through can result in all kinds of bodily aches and pains.

The Various Stages of Grief

Having said that we all handle grief in our own way, there are experiences we all endure and have to cope with after losing a loved one. Some days we’ll feel sad and loathed to do much. At other times we’ll be motivated to mark the person’s passing in a meaningful and memorable way. Whatever you’re experiencing, Daybreak therapists are here to help you: 

·             Cope with and accept your loss

·             Ready yourself for changes in your life

·             Understand your emotions at this difficult time

·             Look forward to the future with positivity

 Daybreak Helps With All Kinds of Grief

Losing a close family member, whatever their age, is one of the most painful processes us human beings have to experience. The absence of the departed can leave a hole in our lives which we doubt can ever be filled. The loss causes us to be exposed to a huge range of unpleasant emotions including deep sadness, bitterness, anger, and depression. Finding the motivation to take part in daily life can be challenging in the days following bereavement, but therapy from Daybreak can help you accept what’s happened and cope with what’s to come.

Grief can also follow the loss of a beloved family pet, or follow in the wake of an accident that we’ve been in ourselves, or in which a loved one has suffered, or even a traumatic event we’ve witnessed. Health problems that result in the loss of faculties such as sight or hearing, or the use of our legs can also be the source of grief, and away from these physical losses, grief can follow the loss of a job or home.

 All of these are bound to be a shock to our system and require support and understanding from others.

 What To Do When You Experience Loss

Of course, we all know others experience grief, but at the time we’re suffering it’s easy to forget that we’re not alone. That other friends and family members who knew and loved the deceased will be going through similar emotions. Seeking their support or perhaps joining a bereavement group can help you cope with your loss more effectively.

 Alternatively, you can turn to professional therapists who are trained to help you manage the thoughts and emotions that are likely to accompany a loss of any kind. Grief is an all-encompassing emotion with physical, mental and emotional consequences from which we all recover at different speeds and in different ways. It’s often difficult for those who aren’t trained to help people to cope with grief to know what to say in emotional situations. But psychotherapists will know how to best help you cope with the feelings and symptoms associated with your loss.

 Receive the Compassion you need from Daybreak Professionals

When you turn to Daybreak for help processing your grief, you can be sure you’ll be advised and supported by experts who will demonstrate their skill and compassion with every interaction. We understand that taking the first step and contacting us takes bravery as it’s never easy to admit that grief and loss are affecting you so deeply. But we are here to help you, just as we’ve helped many many other people cope with their feelings at a strange and bewildering time in their lives.

 Online and In-Person Grief Counseling is Available

If you like the idea of being in the same room as your therapist and interacting with them face-to-face you can arrange an appointment at our offices in California. If you’re based elsewhere, or would be prefer to receive therapy in a location you know such as your home, then our online consultations are for you. It’s important to note that both types of therapy follow the same process, so you’re not missing out on anything if you choose the online option. And our tele-health platforms are all HIPAA compliant, so you’re assured of receiving the skill and understanding your situation needs.

 Begin the Process of Recovering from Loss Today

We’re ready to show the compassion you want and deliver the expertise you need to cope with bereavement and other losses in your life. Reach out to Daybreak today and start the healing process. To schedule an appointment or to obtain additional information please give us a call now for a free phone consultation at 562-566-4257. We are passionate about what we do and look forward to hearing from you! 

Cerritos psychotherapy and counseling

4182 N. Viking Way,
Suite #201 & #202,
Long Beach, CA 90808

17315 Studebaker Rd. #209,
Cerritos, CA 90703

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