
"Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength" - C.H. Spurgeon

Have You Been Struggling With Persistent Anxiety, Stress, Fear, or Worry?

Here are some of the Symptoms of Anxiety, Stress, and Chronic Worry: 
A rapidly beating heart. Tense muscles. Clammy hands. Racing Thoughts. Rumination. High blood pressure. A sense of restlessness or foreboding. These are all common symptoms you can experience when under stress or feeling anxious, and they can occur at expected times, such as when you’re: 

· Starting a new job

· Moving into a new house

· Speaking in public

· Facing a big life challenge such as a new baby or a divorce

· Legal, Health, Family, Social or Financial changes or stressors

But you can also experience these symptoms when you’re not expecting them. For instance, you can wake up in the morning feeling anxious and not be able to pinpoint why. Or you can be out and about and suddenly experience a wave of panic storm through your mind and body for no apparent reason.

However the symptoms of anxiety show up for you, they can have a big and negative impact on how you live your life. You can literally become a different person, retreating into your shell, avoiding places where you’ve had anxiety or panic attacks in the past. Anxiety can take over your life to such an extent that you need to take time off work or school, you stop meeting up with friends and family, or you don’t give your partner or children the level of attention they need.

 In short, you lose the ability to relax and be yourself. Before, you’d have easily been able to spend an afternoon just kicking back without a worry in the world. But now, try as you might, negative thoughts and fear of a recurrence of the frightening symptoms that anxiety has visited on your body in the past are keeping you from being yourself. No matter how hard you try to dismiss them, you can’t seem to control the unpleasant thoughts you have, often about life situations that might never happen. A constant feeling of dread and non-stop worry have become the backing track to your life, making it difficult for you to concentrate on work, or socialize with friends, or even find the motivation to get out of bed every morning.

First up, it’s important to note that most of us will experience anxiety at some stage of our lives, whether mildly or otherwise. Feeling anxious is a normal human emotion. Some of us may have inherited genes from family members that make it more likely we’ll experience anxiety. Others could have subconsciously adopted anxiety inducing thoughts and habits having grown up in households in which stress and fear were commonplace. The good news is that whatever the cause of your anxiety, it’s a condition that can be treated. And here at Daybreak we can help you escape from what might seem to you now a vicious circle of thoughts and symptoms and fears.

 We know how desperately you want to return to being your old self, and how people saying ‘pull yourself together’ or ‘snap out of it’ just doesn’t help. Our licensed Anxiety Therapists can take you on a journey during which you’ll discover what’s causing your anxiety and how to cope with and reduce the impact of the symptoms that are spoiling your enjoyment of life.

What type of anxiety do you have?

Broadly speaking, there are 3 common types of anxiety:

1.      Social Anxiety

SYMPTOMS: Avoiding social occasions, fear of standing out from the crowd, worries about being embarrassed in front of others, concern about what others think about you

2.      Generalized Anxiety Disorder

SYMPTOMS: Restlessness, lack of concentration, inability to sleep, mood swings, tight muscles, sweaty, clammy hands

 3.      Panic Disorder

SYMPTOMS: Terrifying episodes in which you can feel like you’re having a heart attack, ongoing fear of these symptoms returning


How Therapy at Daybreak Can Help?

You might be tempted to consult the many anxiety self-help books that are out there to treat your condition. But you’ll likely find you’ll need the help of a trained Anxiety Therapist to truly understand what’s causing your fears and worries and how to reduce the negative impact they’re having on your life.

Our experts will help you learn how to live life to the full again, minus the burden of the fear and negative thinking that seem to be your constant companions right now. We don’t take a one-size-fits all approach to treating anxiety, as experience tells us that a treatment that works for one person might not be so effective for someone else. So instead, we take a client-centered and holistic approach to anxiety treatment that entails:

1. Learning about you:

We’ll want to find out as much as you’re willing to tell us about your past, the people in your life, what you do for work and relaxation, what your plans are for the future, as well as how anxiety is showing up in your life.

2. Helping you in the most effective way:

Working closely with you, once we’ve a good idea of the kind of person you are and the anxiety problems you’re having, we’ll ask you what specific areas you’d like to focus on and if there are particular questions you want answered.

 3. Exploring your unconscious thoughts and feelings:

Throughout our work together, we’ll be looking to uncover those thoughts and feelings that are bubbling under the surface and often not expressed. Knowing what these are will help you achieve a better understanding of who you are, helping ensure you can continue to heal and grow throughout your life.

Our Approach is Proven to help with Anxiety

It’s our goal to give you practical things you can do to change your thinking about anxiety and ultimately improve your life. The therapeutic experience and solutions we’ll provide will meet your specific needs and show you how you have the power within yourself to live a full and enjoyable life, even after having experienced the worst that anxiety and panic can throw at you. But it’s vital that you fully commit yourself to the process. We can show you the way, but only you can make the journey. And it’s a journey on which therapy at Daybreak will lead to a reduction in the power and control anxiety, stress and worry have over your life.

Won’t exploring my anxiety make things worse?

It seems counter-intuitive to look in greater detail at something we fear, doesn’t it? The natural inclination is to avoid thinking or talking about such matters altogether. But however much it might seem like avoiding anxiety works in the short term, it’s merely sticking a band aid over a big problem that won’t go away. Daybreak Anxiety Therapy aims to change your relationship with your stresses and fears, showing you how to be with your emotions in the present moment and not try and run away from them.

Facing and talking about anxiety makes it less scary. Not talking about or avoiding anxiety keeps it hanging around like a looming presence in the background of your life, a skeleton in the closet that’s always ready to burst out and rekindle your old fears.

Choose to take control and to find a way out of your maze of anxious thoughts, emotions and fears that don’t serve you. We will take time to build trust and rapport with you in order to create to help you gain insight, understanding, and find long-term solutions that are unique to you that will transform how you view anxiety, freeing you up to reconnect with the people you love in your life and all those things you use to enjoy doing.

You may have tried therapy for anxiety before, but you haven’t tried therapy at Daybreak

Everyone has different approaches to the treatment of anxiety. So if you’ve been disappointed in the past, don’t go thinking you’re beyond help. Our therapy could give you the tools you need to cope with anxiety in a more effective way than you’ve ever experienced. This is your life, It’s not a rehearsal. If you want to live it to the full, it’s got to be worth finding out more about Daybreak. 

Psychotherapy Is an Investment in Personal Growth and Mental Health

Our goal is always to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to ensure you can reach your full potential without being reliant on therapy sessions with our experts for the long-term. Each person we treat will require different levels of help and varying lengths of treatment. It’s never our intention for anxiety therapy to continue for years, so seeking help from Daybreak won’t break the bank. But it will help you break free from the life limitations you’re currently experiencing, and to manage the role anxiety plays in your life. Surely that freedom is something you can’t put a price on!

Start your Healing Journey Today 

You don’t have to put off getting professional help for your anxiety and worries a day longer. If you’re ready to begin your journey towards overcoming your anxiety, call us at (562) 566-4257 and schedule and our practice manager Tarah Miller would happy help you set up an appointment and answer questions you may have.

Find a therapist in Long Beach

4182 N. Viking Way,
Suite #201 & #202,
Long Beach, CA 90808

17315 Studebaker Rd. #209,
Cerritos, CA 90703

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