
Patrick has been such an integral part of my evolution over the past 5+ years. Knowing he's there when I most need a professional listener who is a continuous student of the human experience, is a gift. When a challenge/experience arrives in my life, I get to face it knowing I can call on him if I want to. It matters. The knowledge that there is a therapist I have built trust with provides a freedom to face the unknown on my own, without being alone.

In a perfect world, everyone would have a therapist. I had no idea how much my ability to work through challenges would improve, just from having someone to talk through the big ones with.

Patrick in particular has a deep understanding of the ways our minds can respond to life, and provides that insight without the detached, clinical vibe so many therapists seem to approach patients with. It's something truly special that he brings to the table.Finding a therapist you vibe with is not a simple task.
Having one is a gift. You are a gift, Patrick. Thank you. - David C.

I highly recommend Patrick. I have found him to be a master and student of his craft and hegenuinely cares about helping you. He meets you where you are so that he can understand how to help you and ultimately empower you to help yourself. He's worth his weight in gold. Even when I don't think I have a lot to talk to about I look forward to seeing him and I get something out of it. A perfect balance of care and logic. Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. Thanks to Patrick we are celebrating this day and looking forward to many many more! - Lorrinda

For Starters, Counseling/therapy has been a huge eye opener to me. For anyone who goes through daily battles mental anguish, anxiety, depression, and etc; don't feel afraid to speak up about it. Taking the time out of my day to get help and mentoring on how to process my emotions and how to accept myself for who I am and love every aspect of me is been key to my overall mental, physical, emotional, and conscious awareness throughout the time of me having sessions and speaking with Patrick. I am beyond grateful for the constant help he has provided me and would love to refer each and everyone to his outstanding mentoring and therapy sessions, he's the Best! With Gratitude - Keni W.

There is so much to say about Patrick Cleveland that it is hard to figure out exactly where to start.
So here's the back story:
I started seeing Patrick in September of 2013 after moving back home and after three sudden deaths in my family. I had truly felt I was at my rock bottom--I was unhappy with myself, I felt lost in the new role I played being back at home, and unsure what my steps should be.

I had seen a few different mental health specialists throughout my teenage years and felt unheard or misunderstood by them, which led me to not have much faith in therapists. By the time I got to Patrick I felt cynical but knew I needed help to figure out how to be a better and happier person and work through all my history from my childhood.

Therapy is not easy, facing your past and embracing all parts of you that came from that past is even harder, however I have had the support of Patrick these past 7 years. He is empathetic, sincere, and uses his past which makes me feel that he really gets it. He uses an eclectic approach and makes sure to tailor his approach to wherever I am in life.

I truly feel heard by Patrick. He has helped me through a sudden and traumatic death, the beginning and end of a serious relationship, through different schools and degrees, and through the progression of my career. When I first saw Patrick I was just beginning community college after failing previous semesters while living out of state. I am now in grad school and working on getting published. I would have NEVER felt confident enough in my abilities if it were not for Patrick.

While the work has been done by me, it has been guided by Patrick and I am so thankful for the person he has helped me become. If you have EVER thought of going to therapy I highly, highly recommend you see Patrick. My life has been infinitely better because of therapy and the guidance of him. - Shelby

I've been working with Patrick for almost 5 years now and I've never been happier than I am today. He's helped me so much in my journey and my relationships with myself and with others. I had experienced a lot of trauma that he helped me overcome. I'm so thankful for him and his patience to help me. The best part about him is that he truly cares to help you become the best version of yourself. - Karishma

Patrick saved my marriage! My husband and I began to see Patrick when we realized our marriage was falling apart despite only being married three years. We knew we wanted to make things work but I was harboring so much resentment and at the time my husband was dealing with his own issues on top of an alcohol problem. I've seen therapists since I was 16 years old and have always been an advocate for mental health so I knew I would be extremely open to the idea of marriage counseling. My husband on the other-hand, I wasn't too sure. Though, we are both from similar traditional Mexican backgrounds, my husband definitely grew up more with this machismo mentality and just that typical mentality of "suck it up". Being from a Mexican family it sometimes feels like taboo to go to therapy for help. So, I wasn't sure if he was going to really commit. Oh man, was I wrong! First session in, Patrick was able to connect with my husband. He definitely has this way of really reading his audience well. He has this sense of "cool" and a great way of talking and amazing way to explain things that my husband was able to just really connect with him and open up. In one of our sessions I was even like "dang, can I talk?" This is shocking since my husband says maybe 10 words at most a day. He is SO reserved!

Having been in counseling since I was a teen, I felt like I had a gold medal in therapy. And maybe I do as an individual but when I began to see Patrick for couple's therapy it made me realize how much work I also needed to put in to make this marriage succeed. With a lot of hard work, my husband and I were able to reconnect and it felt like we fell in love with each-other all over again. I was also seeing my husband transform right before my eyes. Not that he needed to change but he just had a lot of issues to resolve that had led him to keep all this frustration within which resulted to drinking. There was even a point in our journey through all of this that I just sat there one day in our session with Patrick and got watery eyes seeing how he was able to express himself and see how much improvement he's made. It's a beautiful thing to witness. Going to therapy wasn't just important for us as a couple, it was crucial for him as an individual.

Since we began our sessions with Patrick, my husband has become this confident man that can express himself in a healthy way and THAT in itself has been an amazing accomplishment. Not only did it help my husband but I was able to also become the partner I've always wished to be. Growing up with "tough love", you take that with you. Now that we have a child, I knew I didn't want to set that example for my family. Vulnerability has been my biggest obstacle to overcome and working with Patrick made me really see things in a different light.

Like I mentioned before... I've seen therapists since I was 16 years old and I've seen every type of therapist you can think of so believe me when I say, HE IS AMAZING! Hands down, one of THE best therapist I've had the pleasure to work with. He is kind, patient, an incredible listener, compassionate and above all nonjudgmental. He creates a safe environment which is so important for someone opening up with raw emotion.

I know if it wasn't for Patrick, my husband and I would most definitely be going down the path of separation. Even though it felt like there was nothing else we can do, he saved us from the disaster up ahead. Even in those hopeless moments, just know there's always time and there's always a way. It's never too late. My husband and I are beyond grateful for Patrick. Can never thank him enough for all that he has done for me and for my family. - Yadi

Patrick Cleveland is the very best therapist I could have asked for. I had no idea I could connect with someone so well and that it would benefit my life in such a comprehensive way. I have seen Patrick for multiple issue ranging from adjustment issues, relationship issues, to grief counseling. I had seen other therapists before, but not connected in a way that allowed me to truly benefit.

His style is non-intrusive and allows you to dig deeper into what your triggers and mindset might really be in and he encourages the development of self-awareness that will create an opportunity for catharsis and change. I spent much of my time just talking to Patrick in a way that might seem casual, but it was the best version of therapeutic release. He is intelligent, attentive, and kind. His background in philosophy coupled with his psychology education make him extremely well suited for anyone looking for not only the practical parts of thereapy but the existential (should you want to dive in).

I would unreservedly recommend him to anyone searching for therapy. Particularly if you want a different style than what many current therapists offer. I will consider him my sole therapist for as long as I am local to his services.

My life is better for knowing him; I will remember my time with him as a bright light during darker times. - Candace

2012 I went through a nasty breakup and fell into a horrible depression. I literally felt as if I was losing my mind. I was sad, depressed and anxious all the time. My inner dialogue was so bad that I felt worthless and damaged. Because I was so depressed and anxious all the time my relationship with my son (who was 10 years old at the time) was suffering badly. My son who has an ADHD diagnosis was also having terrible problems at school with bullying (being bullied and sometimes being the bully) and his self-esteem was very low. I am a recovering drug addict. I have been clean 10 years, but at that time, I felt that I needed to reach out for professional help before I went into relapse mode. - Liz

Patrick is a very open-minded, non-judgmental therapist who practices excellent containment. He was able to assist me while pulling from different traditions/approaches as were fitting for the situation. Patrick was able to seamlessly blend and adjust (even including schools of existential thought, when applicable) to follow my train of thought and encourage me down the path I needed to go. During our sessions, he helped me get to a point in which I was able to make important decisions/life transitions I had once thought daunting. He also helped me to express emotions and feel entitled to my narrative of being hurt and neglected; even if "others have it worse" is objectively true, my feelings are still my feelings, and my pain is valid. Learning this actually helped me to NOT be stuck in a victim mentality, which is what I was trying (and failing) to accomplish by repressing or explaining away my feelings to begin with. Patrick also helped me to drastically limit contact with and set better boundaries with some people in my life. I feel I have achieved many milestones with his help, and my mental health is much better for this. He also allowed me to bring my husband to two of the sessions, even though we were not signed up for "couple's therapy" without charging extra, and this really helped me to get some clarity and start conversations I needed help to have. Patrick is very practical and willing to help you take the next logical steps to continue on your journey. I really appreciate the loving kindness Patrick showed toward me and the extra steps he took sending me articles for further reading. He is a great therapist! - Bridgette

I'd seen two therapists before Patrick: one thought it was OK to answer her phone throughout our session and the other although she did listen to me, I just didn't connect with her and I left feeling the same as when I went in. I was initially apprehensive about seeing a male therapist as I worried that I'd be embarrassed to open up to him or that he wouldn't understand me. I was wrong. From the first meeting he just told me to say what was on my mind, I did and it was great and I left feeling like I'd actually done something that was helping me move in the right direction.

He's friendly, kind, welcoming, a great listener, I don't know how he does it but he remembers pretty much everything, he's funny and you feel like he genuinely cares about what you have to say while helping you realize the reasons why you feel and act the way you do. Along with other important changes I've made in my life, he has truly been a great help in guiding me to be more assertive and quiet my own inner critic enough to find peace of mind. There is still work to be done and I know that Patrick will be able to continue to help me. It goes without saying that I strongly recommend Patrick. - Evy

Patrick is a great, down to earth counselor/therapist. He listens and gives you enough insight to do "the work". I'm on a good, mentally healthy path and will continue to see him as life's challenges arises. It does wonders just talking to a neutral person about your issues - there is no judgement, just help. It is alright to seek help if you need it. It alright to take better care of your mental health. - Carol

Patrick is a game changer. I had done therapy before with no significant progress to a point where I was honestly skeptical of the whole thing. Flash forward to 2 years ago when I decided to give it one more chance and searched for the best therapist around and Patrick popped up. Let me tell you there is a reason for why he comes so highly recommended. I went from not being able to maintain a long term relationship to now being engaged to my fiancée in a healthy productive one. He always seems to have the right viewpoint and advice on difficult situations that really help when I'm in those circumstances. The awareness and confidence I now have to properly get thru things I once struggled with has been a game changer for me and I owe that to Patrick. - Michael

We reached out to Patrick when my son hit a rough patch towards the end of middle school after his grandmother passed away. Patrick was able to relate to my son very well. My son really enjoyed talking with Patrick and gained a lot of insight every time he met with him and we quickly saw my son's carefree spirit coming back. Patrick met with my son regularly for about 3 months and for the last 2+ years, whenever my son feels a little overwhelmed or needed to talk something out with someone who isn't Mom or Dad, he asks me to schedule an appointment for him to see Patrick. It has definitely been comforting, for all of us, to know that my son has that extra support when he needs it. We are grateful to Patrick for his expertise and the genuine care he shows for my son. - Molly

I'm not not one to write reviews, but if my experience with Patrick Cleveland can shine a light for you then I'm glad to share my story.

On September 16th I was spinning out. I had been shoving 35 years of family issues, hurt from a recent downsizing at my job, making sense of my friendships as an adult, and compulsive eating all into this proverbial closet where I felt all my problems would stay safely tucked away as long as I kept it under lock and key.

And then I learn of the passing of someone who was merely an acquaintance and not even a close friend, and all at once EVERYTHING came flooding out of that closet. I woke up in the middle of the night crying for no reason and feeling like my brain was broken. I had the weight of the world on my head, and as much as I tried I couldn't seem to get my head above the water to where the sun was shining. I was inconsolable in spite of how much my wife was trying to help me calm down, and thankfully I finally wPatrick is a very open-minded, non-judgmental therapist who practices excellent containment. He was able to assist me while pulling from different traditions/approaches as were fitting for the situation. Patrick was able to seamlessly blend and adjust (even including schools of existential thought, when applicable) to follow my train of thought and encourage me down the path I needed to go. During our sessions, he helped me get to a point in which I was able to make important decisions/life transitions I had once thought daunting. He also helped me to express emotions and feel entitled to my narrative of being hurt and neglected; even if "others have it worse" is objectively true, my feelings are still my feelings, and my pain is valid. Learning this actually helped me to NOT be stuck in a victim mentality, which is what I was trying (and failing) to accomplish by repressing or explaining away my feelings to begin with. Patrick also helped me to drastically limit contact with and set better boundaries with some people in my life. I feel I have achieved many milestones with his help, and my mental health is much better for this. He also allowed me to bring my husband to two of the sessions, even though we were not signed up for "couple's therapy" without charging extra, and this really helped me to get some clarity and start conversations I needed help to have. Patrick is very practical and willing to help you take the next logical steps to continue on your journey. I really appreciate the loving kindness Patrick showed toward me and the extra steps he took sending me articles for further reading. He is a great therapist!ent to sleep. I woke up around 7 and the overwhelming sadness was on top of me once again. I felt like the wiring in my head was jumbled and I needed help.

My wife had been trying to get me to see Patrick for the longest time, but I swore that I was doing a great job holding it all together. And then on 9/16 the balloon popped and I was drowning. However, being a person of color in my culture and the way we were raised, we're not supposed to go seek help. You're sad? Go work. Still sad? Suck it up! This obviously was not working and I needed a "software update". And the fact that Patrick understands where I grew up and the culture that I come from as a person of color is a HUGE additional layer of comfort as I can speak in a comfortable way and he's right there with me on my analogies or slang and I don't feel like he's this professorial figure lording over my situation with some kind of quiet disdain...to put it simply, he connects and is right there with you in a way that lets you know it's okay to let it all out and not feel like you need to apply a filter as you share all that you're trying to work through.

My wife called Patrick and miraculously was able to secure a same-day appointment. The entire day I tried to sleep just to count down the hours until I was able to see and meet this man, and to tell you that I cried tears of joy upon the end of my first session is no exaggeration. In just that initial hour, he walked into the "warehouse of my mind" with me and took an assessment of everything that was crowding this multi-thousand square foot facility. And we started putting everything on the floor to make sense of it before we started putting these experiences onto their proper shelves now with reassigned meaning and understanding of their individual significance.

What I love about my sessions with Patrick is that his kind and patient style ever-so-gently has me talking through these stories and situations that had been unresolved for the longest time, and along the way he's asking these questions or making these slight observations that give me this joyous feeling of clarify as we proceed on down the road to the end of each story/situation. He really wants you as the patient to do the work of talking through it as this magically always ends up in my coming to these "AHA!" moments right as the words leave my mouth. Walking through the story brings me to these checkpoints (with his help) where I'm able to get clarity and a new perspective on this situation in a way that I hadn't been able to in the countless times I had played the story back prior to having Patrick's help.

There are not enough words to quantify the amount of peace and clarity that my sessions with Patrick have given me. I feel free for the first time in 35 years thanks to his guidance and his help in making my "warehouse of the mind" now feel so organized. There's no longer a monster in the closet, and I'm able to walk with a different ease and confidence that I didn't have for I don't know how long before meeting this wonderful man.

To put it simply, Patrick is a master of giving you the tools to put in your toolkit so that even when you're not in a session you know what to reach for to help make sense of the unavoidable stresses or sometimes sad spells that hit you in the course of a day. And now like Batman with his tool belt you can throw the right ninja star or smoke bomb or use the right grappling hook to get you over whatever hurdle life may put in front of you--a hurdle that you may not have been able to overcome before--and now you're back above the water where the sun is shining on your face again.

If you feel like you're drowning like I was, don't hesitate any longer....make the call. This man's gift and guidance may save your life like it saved mine.

Abraham B. 

I can't remember exactly how long I've been seeing Patrick for, but I'd say it's been close to a year now. Although I know I still (or should I say we haha) have some work to do, I can truly feel that I've made improvements and am closer to my goals for myself. I, like many others, have a strained relationship with a parent and have experienced self esteem/worth issues through out my life. It was affecting my current relationship (as it did my last ones as well), so I finally decided to try to "fix myself". Initially, I was hoping to find a female therapist because a therapist I had prior to Patrick was a male and it just didn't work out. I'm so glad that the few female therapists I called before Patrick didn't return my calls, because I wouldn't be where I'm at today. 

Patrick is intelligent, sympathetic, and funny (which makes it easy to talk to him). He has insight and is knowledgeable, so he's been able to teach me techniques to try to help me change my way of thinking and help heal me. He's helped me understand why I feel the way I do, but also encourages me to face the bad and feel good about myself. If this is what you're looking for, do not hesitate to call and set up an appointment! You won't be disappointed. These things do take time, however mental health is just as important as physical, and Patrick is definitely a person who can help you overcome whatever it is you're going through in life. - Lydia H.

Unbelievable how much Patrick has helped me in a short period of time, and continues to do so, in this wonderful life that presents us with a ton of obstacles. He gave me the courage and the tools to understand myself, boost my confidence and my inner strength. I've been in therapy before, but I have never, ever been given the tools to manage situations with ease. My life is so much better because of him and will continue to be with his support! If you're looking for a safe place to explore whatever is troubling you, Patrick can help. I highly recommend him! Thanks Patrick. - Jesse 

Daybreak Counseling Center

4182 N. Viking Way,
Suite #201 & #202,
Long Beach, CA 90808

17315 Studebaker Rd. #209,
Cerritos, CA 90703

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