Relationship & Couples Therapy

"Relationships are like houses: without a good foundation, they'll crumble. When a light bulb goes out, you don't buy a new house,  you change the bulb. When faucet drips, you don't start mopping the floor before you fix the leak, in other words, no matter how much digging t takes, it's important to get to the root of a problem" Christina Lauren =

Are you feeling sad, confused, or struggling in your relationship?

Are you not sure if you want to leave or stay in your relationship?

Are you and your partner going around and around during conflicts and don't seem to be getting anywhere?

Have you reached a crossroads in your relationship where you’re not sure if you want to break up or stay together?

Is your relationship causing struggles in your home, and sadness and confusion in your life? 

Do you and your partner seem to be arguing over the littlest things and unable to resolve your conflicts? 

 Individual or Couples Therapy can help you! 

Every relationship experiences times when things don’t run smoothly, but if your relationship is regularly running into problems and causing issues, our team expert therapists can help. We offer sessions for individuals as well as couples, using compassion and cutting edge techniques to resolve relationship issues. So if it’s just you who’s keen to seek some answers, or you and your partner are ready to consult a therapist together, we can help. 

The Importance of Relationships

Life is so much easier when we’re getting on well with our significant others. We feel better able to face any challenges that our day to day lives might pose us. But when these key relationships hit rocky patches or break down, the strong foundations on which our happiness is built begin to crumble and our mental and physical wellbeing is adversely affected. 

The experienced therapists here at Daybreak, each of whom is educated and trained to master's level, are here to help you rediscover the equilibrium you need in your life. Whether your marriage is facing difficulties, or you’re adjusting to life as a recent divorcee, or you’re looking to resolve relationship problems within your family, we can provide the compassionate support and expert solutions you need.

Individual Relationship Therapy

Strong and loving relationships are vital for our emotional wellbeing. Our quality of life often depends on the quality of our relationships. And maintaining successful romantic and family relationships is something that takes time, skill and effort to get right. You have to work at it, and therapy is a great way of firstly showing that you are willing to make changes to improve things, but also a way to enhance your capacity to display your openness and vulnerability, both vital traits of successful relationships.

Individual relationship therapy with a trained therapist on our team at Daybreak can help romance flourish and fix the cracks that can appear in family connections. How you use the sessions is up to you. Perhaps you are seeking to explore the impact your past is having on your present in terms of how you interact with others? Our therapists can also help you discover what you need to do to rekindle your passion and find a way forward with your spouse, partner or significant other. Whatever your goal, you’ll find your Daybreak therapist will play an important role in improving how you connect with those you care about most.

Couples Therapy

If you and your partner are ready to work together with a third party to resolve your relationship issues, Daybreak couples therapy is for you. 

 There could be any number of reasons why your relationship has reached the stage where you both feel you need to seek help and set new goals. Maybe you are experiencing intimacy issues, or your mutual trust has been shaken by infidelity, or you’re not communicating as openly and honestly as you need to.

 Whatever the issues, ignoring them won’t make them magically disappear and can actually worsen the problem leading to more resentment, more conflict, and more feelings of shame or guilt. It’s strongly advisable to not let issues fester, but instead seek outside help. And Couples Therapy at Daybreak will give you a safe environment in which to explore your issues and find solutions.

How Relationship Therapy  at Daybreak Works

Couples Therapy Long Beach

As with all Daybreak therapies, the techniques we use and plans we create are all shaped by your unique circumstances. With one of our talented therapists assigned to meet your needs, evidence-based techniques will be used to rapidly get to the crux of the problems you’re having. Therapy sessions will then show you a structured way forward that will help you navigate out of where you are now and into the calmer, more emotionally content waters you desire. 

 As forward thinking therapists, here at Daybreak we employ cutting edge science-based attachment techniques that lead to meaningful changes and stronger relationships. These include treatments such as:

·             Emotionally Focused Therapy 

·             The Gottman Method 

·             Ways to enhance intimacy 

·             Improving communication 

·             Discovering the crux of the problem

Understanding Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)

At the heart of EFT lies the belief that emotions are central to our human experience and play a crucial role in shaping our relationships. EFT operates on the premise that underlying most conflicts and distress in relationships are unmet emotional needs and insecurities. By accessing and addressing these emotions, couples can break free from negative patterns and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners. To read more about Emotion Focused Therapy and how it works click here.

How long does couples therapy last?

It’s always our goal here at Daybreak to help our clients resolve their relationship issues as swiftly as possible. But because each case is different, it’s impossible to say how long it will take to reach the desired conclusion. However, it’s important to know that the expertise of our therapists and the cutting edge nature of the techniques they use will lead to the quickest possible results. And remember, any relationship therapy is an investment in your future, a chance to learn skills and techniques that will stay with you for life. Once you find the right therapist you work well with, even after you resolve the issues you initially came in for, like a good car mechanic,  you can come back to therapy as needed for a tune up or to resolve any future issues that may arise. In our relationship we are trying to manage life with a partner and life will throw some curve balls at us which can make relationships difficult.  You don't have to figure this out on your own. A skilled couples therapist can help you see things you can't, we can name your cycle of conflict, and help you to overcome it. 

Begin your relationship therapy journey today 

Relationship issues need to be worked through, not ignored and left to get worse, and our skilled therapists are here to help. Daybreak provides a safe and supportive environment in which you’ll be free to express your true feelings and be given the time and space to explore your issues and work with your therapist to heal and grow and ultimately achieve your relationship goals. Choose to have sessions in-person in our Long Beach or Cerritos offices, or use our online counseling service. Both will give you access to an expert Daybreak therapist and the same techniques. 

Our highly skilled licensed therapists can help you work with through your relationship issues. We offer a safe and supportive environment to help you heal, grow, and accomplish your goals. For more information or to schedule an appointment you can fill out the form below or give us a a call now for a at 562-566-4257 and our practice manager would happy help you set up an appointment and answer questions you have. We also offer online therapy options.

find a therapist in Long Beach

4182 N. Viking Way,
Suite #201 & #202,
Long Beach, CA 90808

17315 Studebaker Rd. #209,
Cerritos, CA 90703

Long Beach


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