
"Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters thw pain and hears eh screams healing can begin" 
-Danielle Bernock (Author of Emerging With Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, and The Love that Heals

You can recover from the haunting memories of the past! Many people experience difficulty in putting the thoughts and emotions associated with traumatic events behind them. However long ago the event happened, reminders just refuse to go away, casting a long shadow over the present and threatening to negatively impact the future. Such experiences can be caused by all kinds of extremely stressful events, including: 

· Neglect or abuse in childhood

· Abuse in a relationship

· A physical or sexual assault

· An accident or victim of violence

· Involvement in armed combat

 Whatever the source of trauma, flashbacks and reminders can reoccur often without warning, sometimes in the form of terrifying nightmares, at other times causing nervous and anxious episodes that affect our day to day lives and relationships.

 Types and symptoms of trauma

Broadly speaking, there are three types of trauma:

ACUTE:                 A trauma that occurred only once

CHRONIC:          A trauma that is ongoing or happened more than once

COMPLEX:         Multiple types of trauma experienced over an extended period (sometimes called Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD).

 The effects of trauma can show up in a number of ways, and often lead sufferers to avoid situations in which they are most likely to experience disturbing and upsetting thoughts or flashbacks. Concentrating on work or schoolwork becomes difficult. Moods can swing without warning. Negative thoughts about self and the safety of the world around us can frequently occur. These are all perfectly normal and human responses to deeply troubling events, and they can be very difficult to live with. If you’re experiencing any of these, it’s likely a meeting with a Daybreak psychologist who specializes in treating the effects of trauma will be beneficial to you.

Helping you recover from PTSD

Statistics show that almost 9 out of every 10 adult Americans will face a traumatic event in their lives. 10% of men and 20% of women will experience PTSD at some point. PTSD symptoms are common to those who’ve experience trauma, because the nervous systems of these people are ready to react in a flash to potentially threatening situations. The positive news is that it is possible to recover from the symptoms of trauma you’re experiencing, and it’s the work of the Daybreak Trauma Therapists to develop a plan that will show you how.

 It’s important for you to know that experiencing these symptoms is not a sign that you’re crazy.  No matter what anyone says, our expertise tells us what you’re going through is a natural, expected response to a extremely difficult experience. You didn’t choose to suffer from PTSD and the fact that you’re reading this proves you’re prepared to take steps to get better. And whether you choose to get treatment from Daybreak or another provider, we want you to know that there are solutions that can help decrease the impact of these symptoms on your life so you can enjoy life and feel safe again, and connect with the people you love most.

When to get help

For many people, the ill-effects of a traumatic experience tend to disappear within 60 days of the event. But if you’re experiencing problems beyond then, therapy can help you manage your thoughts and feelings, and your nervous system’s response to the event.

You’re likely to be experiencing extremely frightening side-effects that are making it difficult for you to lead a normal life. Rest assured, your reactions are normal in the circumstances and hope and healing are available to help you reduce their impact.

 What treatment is available for PTSD at Daybreak?

Trauma Therapy Long Beach

It’s likely your experience has caused your nervous system to slip into a heightened state of reactiveness. Our highly skilled therapists can help return your nerves to a more normal state, reducing those symptoms you so dread. Our approach to your treatment will include: 

· Anxiety management

· Help with facing your fears

· Processing traumatic emotions

· Changing your thinking

Our therapists will work with you to plan your treatment and guide you through the options that are available so you get the care you need. The purpose of the treatment will be to:

· Facilitate your recovery

· Build your resilience

· Find inner peace

· Cope with painful memories

· Rediscover your confidence

· Experience joy in life again

We’ll share with you a variety of theories and ideas behind what you’re going through, to help build your understanding of what’s happening to you and why. Our proven techniques and processes will show you that you can change the way you relate to your thoughts, so you’re able to rediscover your life’s purpose and reconnect with the people who mean most to you.

How does talking about trauma help?

Avoiding facing traumatic memories does not make them go away. In fact, there’s compelling evidence to suggest avoidance keeps PTSD alive. One of the purposes of trauma therapy is to show you that facing your worst fears can reduce your fear of the impact those intense flashbacks, terrifying recollections and paralyzing thoughts have on you.

Will my treatment require me to relive my trauma?

The short answer is no. Trauma therapy isn't so much about talking about the event or what happened, but moreso about how what happened is effecting you now in your thoughts, feeling, and the overall narrative of you life story and direction. Your therapist will work with you to help you process your thoughts and feelings safely. You will only discuss troubling memories if you are comfortable doing so and if you feel it will benefit you. What's more important is working through the aftermath of trauma rather than the details which are the symptoms, feelings, and thoughts that are causing you pain and suffering now.  A key part of our work is to help you distinguish the difference between your memories and what’s happening in the here and now. You’ll learn how to face the fears you may have about trauma treatment, ensuring you 100% trust that your Daybreak therapist has your best interests at heart and will never force you to ‘go to places’ in your memory bank that you’re not comfortable with.

What makes Daybreak trauma treatment distinctive?

Treating you with compassion is one of the driving forces behind the treatment we provide. The stronger the connection our therapists build with the people we help, the better the care we can provide. We know how overwhelming the symptoms you’re experience can be and we know it takes courage to seek help for what you’re going through. That’s why we’ll work with you to establish clear goals that your treatment needs to achieve, always explaining the purpose behind everything we do and say.

You’ll be fully equipped with the tools you need tackle your trauma in a way that’s clearly signposted and with key milestones along your path to recovery. We would never say the treatment is easy, and we always ask for your total commitment, but you’ve read this far, so you must be serious about wanting to change your life. Let us assure you that you will have our full support and unquestionable respect for everything you do, including taking that big, bold first step of contacting us about getting help. To read more about our holistic, client centered, and psychodynamic approach to working with trauma in psychotherapy click here. 

Choose from in-person and online treatment plans

Some people prefer to be treated online from a safe place they know well. Others appreciate being in the same room as their therapist. We accommodate both preferences here at Daybreak, offering tele-health platforms that are HIPAA compliant. Both methods of delivering therapy follow the same path, and all our therapists are experts at helping people face their past and plan for the future.

Fill out a contact form below or call us today at562-566-4257 and we would be glad to talk to you about setting up an appointment.

Find a therapist in Long Beach

4182 N. Viking Way,
Suite #201 & #202,
Long Beach, CA 90808

17315 Studebaker Rd. #209,
Cerritos, CA 90703

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